Exhibition Centres

Here is a list of some of the exhibition centres that provide you with some insight into our land:

Montsec de L’Estall Visitor’s Centre

An exhibition space that takes you on a journey through the history, geography, flora and fauna of the mountain range with a series of interpretive panels, fossils and audiovisuals.

Ethnographic museum: Mas de Puybert

Ethnographic museum located in Mas de Pubert, one of the wealthiest farmhouses in the region. The museum grants you the opportunity to discover the customs and way of life in the old mases, or farmhouses. The descendants of this family show us how they used to work and live in centuries past.

Montsec Astronomical Park

Montsec Astronomical Park takes full advantage of the optimal conditions that make this spot the perfect place to come and stargaze. It houses a permanent exhibition covering the centre’s entire field of study, as well as a digital multimedia planetarium, which is able to display the sky as seen from any era.
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