First Climbs

A perfect itinerary for sport climbers who would like to get their feet wet in the world of multi-pitch climbing.

Two days of activities and training which will take you to one of the most classic and unmissable routes in Montsec: Urquiza-Olmo ridge!

Day 1. Arrival at Montfalcó: Introduction to the itinerary and settling into the rooms.
Day 2. Workshop on safety and progression techniques and a multi-pitch climbing route (approximately 100 metres).
Day 3. Urquiza-Olmo ridge. 545 m 6a (V+ oblig.). Montfalcó.


1 person: €310.00 / 2 persons: €165.00

Accommodation and activities

Double room: 1 person: €480.00 / 2 persons: €280.00

Group room: 1 person: €395.00 / 2 persons: €255.00


All accommodation and activity booking and management fees.
Technical advice before and after the itinerary.
Two nights half-board at Montfalcó Mountain Refuge.
Two days of guided activities (with qualified high-mountain and hiking guides).
All technical and safety equipment.
Insurance and taxes.

Book now!

Fill in the form below and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as we can. Thanks for choosing us.

    Responsable del fichero: Guías del Montsec
    Finalidad: envío de información sobre productos y servicios propios al suscrito.
    Legitimación: consentimiento;
    Destinatarios: no se comunicarán los datos a terceros, salvo obligación legal;
    Derechos: acceder, rectificar y suprimir los datos, así como otros derechos, como se explica en la información adicional.
    Más información en la Política de Privacidad

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